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3 Quick Tips to Stay On Track This Holiday Season

Updated: Dec 2, 2021

Okay, I know. It’s already that time of year that stores are in full Christmas swing with Christmas décor and gift ideas and playing holiday music. But my question to you is how are YOU planning to stay ahead of any derails this holiday season?

Around this time of year people are more prone to push their nutrition and fitness routines to the side in order to indulge in the festive dinners, treats and beverages. Even though I preach balance, I also preach moderation. Don’t wait until January 1st to “start fresh”, just be mindful of what you’re consuming throughout the holiday and keep up with some type of exercise.

Yes – enjoy the treat at dinner and have a cocktail or two, but balance that with a minimum 30 minutes of exercise a day.

If you are travelling this holiday season to see family and friends, maybe suggest an evening walk to view the neighbourhood lights. Or go ice skating, tobogganing or shovel snow for others. 30 minutes is not a lot.

My 3 biggest tips:

  • Continue to drink your daily intake of water

  • Minimum of 30 minutes of exercise (get out and enjoy the lights or skating!)

  • Moderation, moderation, moderation.

Do you have any tips/tricks to keep on track during the holidays?

Let us know & we will post them on our Facebook page!

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